You can do it.

You can do it, you are strong. You are intelligent and determined.

I need to keep saying this to myself because it’s true.

Everything is about mindset. I got a U in my maths mock (44%) but I know I’m fantastic at maths. All it takes is constant practice. Which is pretty easy to do! I can do it, I’m strong. I’m intelligent and determined.

Going to eat now because it’s necessary for my brain and to keep me as strong as I know I am.

This is a different post to usual. When I got my test back, I was upset. I gave myself time to feel that to, to worry and to freak out.

But I then I took a step back and looked at the bigger picture; I’m a whizz maths, I always have been. All I needed was more practice. I’ve done it before so I can most certainly do it again.

The issue now is telling my parents, who won’t take it as lightly as I have.